Welcome to our 365 days Firework Onlineshop

We know…

…that our online-shop is not completely available in English – but we are happy to support you with all information you need.
In our onlineshop you will find all articles with their names, pictures, videos and prices including an English description
and further detail information in German.

In case you need any translation or further information on the process, the articles or about firework itself,
please feel free to give us a call or send us an e-mail!

How it works...

Search through our large firework product portfolio

Find your favourite firework articles

Shop on 365 days a year in our firework online store

Pay either by credit card, paypal or invoice

Either pick up your purchase on the last three days of the year in our local store or have it delivered to your home

Our product portfolio

You want to learn more about firework in Germany?

Then visit also our English homepage www.firework-onlineshop.de

Where you can find us...

How you can get in contact with us...

or with our contact form



We are available from Monday – Friday
from 08.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.

Information about our local store 2020

…coming soon




und ein paar erholsame, besinnliche und vor allem fröhliche Feiertage im Kreise der Lieben, mit viel Zeit, guten Gesprächen und tollen Momenten – wünschen wir allen unseren Kunden und Kundinnen. Habt ein wunderbares Fest!

Auch unsere Pyrographics-Crew gönnt sich eine kleine Auszeit bevor es ab Donnerstagabend dann in den Endspurt geht, damit ihr alle eure Bestellungen zügig und rechtzeitig erhaltet.

Telefonanrufe & E-Mails werden daher erst ab Freitag, 27.12. wieder beantwortet. Vielen Dank für euer Verständnis!

Viele Grüße
Euer Pyrographics Feuerwerks-Team

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